Herb Roasted Turkey Breast
Last updated: May 26, 2022
You’ll Need...
You’ll Need...
Heavy Duty Foil

PREHEAT oven to 325°F.
LINE a large roasting pan, at least 2 inches deep, with Reynolds Wrap® 18-inch Wide Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil. Rinse turkey breast pat dry. Place turkey breast in foil-lined pan. Brush turkey breast with vegetable oil.
COMBINE parsley, sage, marjoram, thyme, rosemary and seasoned salt. Sprinkle and rub seasoning mixture over turkey breast, turning to coat evenly.
MAKE a foil tent by placing a sheet of foil over turkey breast, leaving 1 inch between top of turkey breast and foil tent for heat circulation. Crimp foil onto long sides of pan.
BAKE 1 hour remove foil tent to brown turkey breast.
CONTINUE BAKING uncovered 1 to 1 3/4 hours longer or until meat thermometer reads 170°F. For easy slicing, cover turkey breast with foil and let stand 15 minutes.