Green Chile Chicken Tamales
This delicious tamale recipe includes a zesty green chile sauce, a tasty addition to your Dia de Los Muertos celebrations.
Last updated: May 30, 2022
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You’ll Need...
Everyday Foil

For the tamales:
For the filling:
To garnish:
PREPARE the corn husks: Cover the husks with boiling water and keep them submerged for a couple of hours until the husks are pliable. To form the tamales, separate the largest and most pliable husks. Make strips for tying the ends from one of the smaller husks. Pat the husks dry with a towel.
PREPARE the batter: use an electric mixer fitted with paddle attachment to beat the shortening or butter at medium-high speed until light in texture for about 1 minute. Continue beating the mixture as you add the reconstituted masa in three additions. Reduce the speed to medium-low and add ½ cup of broth. Continue to mix for another minute. Beat in enough of the remaining ¼ cup broth to give the mixture a soft, but not runny, consistency, similar to cake batter. It should hold its shape in a spoon. Taste the batter and season to taste.
PREPARE the filling: in a large bowl, mix together the shredded chicken, green salsa, and roasted poblanos.
SPREAD about ¼ cup of the masa mixture in the center of a corn husk, and top with about 2 tablespoons chicken mixture. Fold the two sides of the corn husk together, enclosing the filling. Twist together both ends, and use a tie to tie it together. Use a piece of Reynolds Wrap® Aluminum Foil to completely wrap each tamale.
PLACE a steamer basket in a large, wide, pot (or use a steamer insert in a pot). Add as much water as possible without coming above the level of the steamer. Layer the tamales into the pot, cover, and steam for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Let rest in the steamer, with the lid off, until ready to serve.