Grilled Veggie Pizza

Last updated: June 29, 2021

  • Servings


  • Cook Time

    3 - 4 minutes

  • Course

    Main Dish

You’ll Need...

Everyday Foil



PREHEAT grill to medium-high. Place a sheet of Reynolds Wrap® Non-Stick Foil with non-stick (dull) side towards food on a cookie sheet to transport pizza to and from the grill.

CENTER Italian bread crust, bottom side up, on foil sheet. Combine olive oil and garlic. Brush over pizza crust.

SLIDE foil sheet with pizza dough onto grill.

GRILL pizza crust 2 to 3 minutes or until lightly browned. Slide foil sheet with pizza crusts back on cookie sheet to add toppings. (You will need to remove the crusts from the grill while adding toppings to prevent the crust from continuing to brown.) Using a spatula, turn crust over.

SPREAD up foil sides. Spread sauce evenly over crust. Arrange vegetables over sauce. Slide foil sheet with pizza from cookie sheet back onto the grill.

GRILL to minutes in covered grill or until cheese is melted. Slide foil sheet with pizza back onto cookie sheet to remove from the grill.