Oriental Peach Glazed Ribs

Last updated: May 25, 2022

  • Servings


  • Cook Time

    55 minutes - 1 hour 15 minutes

  • Course

    Main Dish


  • For the Ribs:

  • For the Seasoning Rub:

  • For the Glaze:


PREHEAT grill to medium. Cut each rack of ribs into thirds. Center half of ribs in single layer on each sheet of Reynolds Wrap® Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil.

COMBINE all Seasoning Rub ingredients. Sprinkle and rub seasoning over ribs, turning to coat evenly.

BRING up foil sides. Double fold top and one end. Through open end, pour in 1/4 cup water. Double fold remaining end to seal packet, leaving room for heat circulation inside. Repeat to make two packets.

GRILL 45 minutes to 1 hour on medium in covered grill. Remove steamed ribs carefully from foil. Place directly on grill. Combine peach preserves, lemon juice and soy sauce.

BRUSH ribs generously with glaze.

CONTINUE GRILLING 10 to 15 minutes on medium in uncovered grill, brushing with sauce and turning every 5 minutes to cook evenly.