Dessert Mashups

Dessert Mashups

Sometimes you just can’t choose between a decadent chocolate cake and some refreshingly cool ice cream.
DIY Grill Pans and BBQ Drip Pans

DIY Grill Pans and BBQ Drip Pans

No grill pan? No problem. Make your own using Reynolds Wrap® Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil.
DIY Holiday Cookie Swap

DIY Holiday Cookie Swap

'Tis the season for giving and what better way than with cookies!
DIY Panini Press

DIY Panini Press

Don’t have a panini press? No problem.
DIY Sundae Bar

DIY Sundae Bar

Cool down this summer with a do-it-yourself ice cream sundae bar. It’s the perfect way to let guests enjoy their favorite flavors, and cleanup is easy with Reynolds® Baking Cups!
DIY Twist Ties

DIY Twist Ties

To replace a missing twist tie, just tear off a strip of foil and wind it into a rope. Wrap the foil rope around the bag or package and twist to hold in place.
Easy Sandwich Prep and Cleanup

Easy Sandwich Prep and Cleanup

Make a sandwich or wrap directly on a sheet of foil; then wrap it up in the same sheet. You’ll save time cleaning kitchen counters on a busy morning.
Father’s Day Cookie Cutouts

Father’s Day Cookie Cutouts

Give Dad a gift he can eat this year for Father's Day!
Five Ways to Upgrade your Wontons

Five Ways to Upgrade your Wontons

Wonton wrappers are one of the most customizable ingredients out there. From savory fillings to sweet ones, it seems like anything tastes delicious inside a crispy, baked shell.
Game Day Foil Hacks

Game Day Foil Hacks

When it comes time for you to host a tailgating party, chances are you’ll have a stable of snacks you’ll be tempted to make. This time, open up your pantry and try something different!